Quark Matter 2005 Conference   Quark Matter 2005 Conference

Measurements of Nuclear Modification Factor and Elliptic Flow of Phi

Xiangzhou Cai

Collaboration: STAR


The observation of meson and baryon grouping in the RCP and v2 measurements at intermediate pT has been interpreted as manifestation of bulk partonic matter hadronization through multi-parton dynamics such as recombination of partons.In the low pT region hydrodynamic calculations have provided a consistent description of the bulk matter.phi mesons provide unique sensitivity to test these theoretical scenarios because phi has a mass heavier than proton.Therefore,the pre-hadronic hydrodynamic behavior of phi should be close to that of baryons and the feature at the intermediate pT due to recombination should be that of mesons. We will present RCP and v2 measurements of phi mesons from Au+Au collisions of run IV.Energy and colliding system dependence of the phi yields at mid-rapidity will also be presented. The results will be compared to measurements of other hadrons and to theoretical predictions of recombination and AMPT model calculation.

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