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System and Rapidity dependence of Baryon/Meson ratios at RHIC
Eun-Joo Kim
Collaboration: BRAHMS
The observed increase at intermediate pT in the p/pi+ and pbar/pi- ratios at RHIC is suggestive of new physics. Alternative models that attempt to describe these ratios include a phase-space determined quark coalescence picture, and the dynamics driven models as recombination and baryon-junction transport. Central Au+Au collisions are expected to provide a partonic medium where the coalescence of soft partons can occur. Coalescence will depend on the system size of the partonic fluid and is expected to be less influential for the Cu+Cu system. In this process, the p/pi ratios can provide important information on dynamics how to medium evolves longitudinally. We will present rapidity dependent baryon/meson ratios in 0 |