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Probing Cold and Hot, Dense Nuclear Media via High pT Jets with Di-hadron and gamma-hadron Correlations at PHENIX
Nathan C. Grau
Collaboration: PHENIX
Two-particle correlation results from Au+Au collisions at RHIC indicate a strong modification of the away-side jet due to its interaction with the dense medium. Jet correlations triggered with high $p_{T}$ particles (>5 GeV/c) have the advantage that the away side jets are more penetrating, $v_{2}$ background subtraction is easier, and direct photon excess above inclusive photons is larger, allowing direct photon-jet correlation studies. With the recent high-statistics p+p, d+Au, Cu+Cu and Au+Au runs at 62 and 200 GeV, we have the capability to begin mapping the energy and system size dependence of jet modification. Results on two particles correlations, triggering with $\pi^{0}$, $\pi^{\pm}$, and photons at $p_{T}$ > 5 GeV/c, are presented. The correlations are studied as a function of particle p_{T}, centrality, and reaction plane. Jet properties such as $j_{T}$, $k_{T}$, and fragmentation functions are extracted and compared between collision systems and beam energies. back to the Archives home to the Parallel talks to the Posters |