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Strange and Charged Particle Elliptic Flow in Pb+Au Collisions at 158 GeV
Jovan Z. Milosevic
Collaboration: CERES/NA45
We present $\Lambda$ and charged particle elliptic flow measurements from Pb+Au collisions at the highest SPS energy. This is the first elliptic flow measurement of $\Lambda$ particles below RHIC energies. The data, collected by the CERES experiment which covers a slice near mid-rapidity with full azimuthal coverage and wide $p_{T}$ sensitivity up to $3.5$ GeV/c, can be used to test hydrodynamical models and shows sensitivity to the EoS. The value of $v_{2}$ as a function of rapidity and $p_{T}$ of $\Lambda$ is presented for different collision centralities. Up to $p_{T}\approx 1.3$ GeV/c the result is comparable with $v_{2}$ values observed with STAR at RHIC, but for higher $p_{T}$ values it is smaller. Our measurements are compared to results from other SPS experiments and to hydrodynamical model calculations. Similar analysis on $K_{S}^{0}$ is in progress. Huge statistics allows for a precision measurement of the differential elliptic flow of pions. back to the Archives home to the Parallel talks to the Posters |