Quark Matter 2005 Conference   Quark Matter 2005 Conference
Archives of PARALLEL TALKS at Quark Matter 2005 Conference
  AUG 5   
 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 10a, 10b 
  AUG 6   
 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 11a, 7a
 3c, 4c, 7b, 5c, 8a, 10c, 9a, 11b 
  DAY 0    PLENARY Sections    POSTERS  
SECTION 4: Hadron Correlations and Fluctuations
- Chair (4a): Barbara Erazmus
4a Zbigniew Chajecki for the STAR collaboration:
Identical Particle Correlations in STAR
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf), Photos
4a Petr Chaloupka for the STAR collaboration:
Non-identical particle correlations at 62 and 200 GeV at STAR
Abstract, slides (pdf), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf), Photos
4a Paul Chung for the PHENIX collaboration:
Evidence for a long-range pion emission source in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
4a Máté Csanád:
Analysis of three-particle correlations in sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at PHENIX
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
4a Sandra S. Padula:
Survival of Back-to-Back Correlations for Finite Expanding Fireballs
Abstract, slides (pdf), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
- Chair (4b): Andrzej Bialas
4b Frithjof Karsch:
Quark number and charge fluctuations in finite temperature lattice QCD
Abstract, proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
4b Sean Gavin:
Probing the Quark Gluon Liquid using Transverse Momentum Fluctuations
Abstract, slides (pdf), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
4b Tomoaki Nakamura for the PHENIX collaboration:
Measurement of event-by-event fluctuations and order parameters in PHENIX
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
4b Peter Steinberg for PHOBOS collaboration:
Charged Hadron Multiplicity Fluctuations in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC
Abstract, slides (pdf), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
4b Steffen A. Bass:
Fluctuations and Correlations in the Parton Recombination Model
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
  DAY 0    PLENARY Sections    POSTERS  
SECTION 5: Strangeness and Heavy Flavor Production
- Chair (5a): Jean Cleymans
5a Sevil Salur for the STAR collaboration:
System size dependence of strangeness production
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
5a Ramona L. Vogt:
QCD Predictions for Charm and Bottom Production at RHIC
Abstract, slides (pdf), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
5a Bin Zhang:
Charm elliptic flow at RHIC
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf) Attached paper
5a Sergey A. Butsyk for the PHENIX collaboration:
PHENIX results on Open Heavy flavor production in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
5a Frank Laue:
Measurement of non-photonic single electron v2 at STAR
Abstract, slides (pdf)
- Chair (5b): Grazyna Odyniec
5b Pietro Cortese for the NA50 collaboration:
Bottomonium and Drell-Yan production in p-A collisions at the CERN SPS
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
5b Ruben Shahoyan for the NA60 collaboration:
Charm and intermediate mass dimuons in In-In collisions
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
5b Derek A. Teaney:
Thermalization of Heavy Quarks in Heavy Ion Collisions
Abstract, proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
5b Ralf F. Rapp:
Charm-Quark Thermalization and Resonances in the QGP
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
5b Magdalena R. Djordjevic:
Heavy quark suppression pattern at RHIC and LHC
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
  DAY 0    PLENARY Sections    POSTERS  
SECTION 6: Direct Photons, Dileptons and Quarkonia
- Chair (6a): Peter Seyboth
6a Roberta Arnaldi for the NA60 collaboration:
Anomalous J/psi suppression in Indium-Indium collisions at 158 GeV/nucleon
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf), Photos
6a Sanja Damjanovic for the NA60 collaboration:
Low Mass Dimuon Production in Indium-Indium Collisions at 158AGeV
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf), Attached papers
6a Alessandro de Falco for the NA60 collaboration:
Phi production in proton-nucleus and indium-indium collisions
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
6a Ryotaro Muto:
First observation of in-medium modification of Phi meson at normal nuclear density
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
6a Romain Holzmann:
Di-electron mass spectrum in 2 AGeV 12C+12C collisions measured by HADES
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
- Chair (6b): Jan Pluta
6b Stefan Bathe:
Measurement of Direct Photons in sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV p+p, d+Au, and Au+Au Collisions with the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
6b Victor G. Ryabov:
First measurement of the omega-meson production at RHIC by PHENIX
Abstract, slides (ppt), Abstract (pdf), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
6b Alexander V. Kozlov for the PHENIX collaboration:
Comparison of Phi properties as seen in dielectron and hadronic decay channels in Au+Au collisions by PHENIX at RHIC
Abstract, slides (pdf), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
6b Alberica Toia for the PHENIX collaboration:
Measurement of low mass dielectron continuum in sqrt(sNN) = 200GeV Au-Au collisions in the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
6b Hugo Pereira Da Costa for the PHENIX collaboration:
PHENIX results on J/psi production in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200$~GeV
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
  DAY 0    PLENARY Sections    POSTERS  
SECTION 11: Future Experiments and Facilities
- Chair (11a): Thomas Ludlam
11a Shoji Nagamiya:
J-PARC project at KEK
slides (pdf) Abstract, proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
11a Rene Bellwied for the R2D exploratory working group:
R2D - A Comprehensive New RHIC II Detector
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
11a Ilia Ravinovich for the PHENIX collaboration:
A Hadron Blind Detector for the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
11a Kai Schweda for the STAR collaboration:
A Heavy-Flavor Tracker for STAR at RHIC
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
11a Atsushi Taketani:
A Silicon Vertex Tracker for PHENIX
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
  DAY 0    PLENARY Sections    POSTERS  
SECTION 7: Quark Gluon Plasma, QCD at High Temperature
- Chair (7a): Alexandru Jipa
7a Masayuki Asakawa:
Critical End Point and Its Consequences
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf) Attached paper
7a Burkhard Kämpfer:
QCD Matter Description within a Quasiparticle Model Combined with Critical End Point Effects
Abstract, slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
7a Massimo Mannarelli:
Hadronic Modes in the Quark-Gluon Plasma
Abstract, slides (pdf), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf)
7a Péter Petreczky:
Charmonia correlatros and charm diffusion
Abstract, slides (pdf), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf), Attached papers
7a Bikash Sinha:
Cosmological dark energy from cosmic QCD phase transition
slides (ppt), proceeding (ps), proceeding (pdf) Abstract
1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 10a, 10b
4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 11a, 7a
3c, 4c, 7b, 5c, 8a, 10c, 9a, 11b